The payday lenders loan money at interest rates to people who are determined by the amount and duration of the loan. If a due date, payment must be extended so that the borrower pays additional fees. Banks and credit unions do the same thing, not to mention, but selective refuse service to large segments of the population. So why are payday lenders only get as much bad press?
Payday Loans May be not so expensive after all
Across the
Fees are plated with Payday Loans may not be paid back over time, usually renew the loan every two weeks. Conversely, if a bank account is negative 30 days, most banks to close the account and send the account holder of a collection agency for the negative balance. Most people would support higher taxes if the alternative is losing their control and in charge of a collection on their credit report for a brand that could lead to thousands of higher cost of interest rates due to low credit rating, compared to $ 100, perhaps borrow additional cost.
Payday lenders offer many additional services such as application of cashing checks and processes, even for banks. Even on these counts, the payday lenders may be easier to manage and more accessible.
The payday lenders for a wide audience
If the explosion of services in payday loan places do not mean anything, then you fill a need that has long gone unrecognized (or was simply ignored) by the banks. While borrowing money is an important source of profits in the banking world, which are generally not interested in small or short-term loans, but I prefer to focus on mortgages, auto loans , student loans, and so on. In addition, banks are less willing to do business with people who do not have good credit history.
The payday lenders, on the other hand, everyone recognizes that sometimes hits hard, and most need only one form of non-credit checks in order to provide a loan immediately. Yes, it is true that most payday lenders serve the poorest of the population, but only because the banks have made these people away.
The biggest payday lenders indication can not be negative is that the number of people who continue to flock to the door. Consumers have more choice, and have clearly indicated that the $ 200 billion per year of Payday loan industry is becoming a viable alternative for many banks to certain requirements.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Receiving a Bad Rap - the payday lenders all you critics Although bank loans are Scot-Free
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